A note to our many friends and customers
McTeigue & McClelland, the company that created internationally renowned, handmade jewelry in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts is now closed.It is difficult to describe how meaningful this journey has been for us. To have the opportunity to work with some of the world's most talented and dedicated people, to befriend our clients, to be a part of this special cultural community where we raised our families.Customers from all over North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia have sojourned to Mc2 specifically to purchase our unique designs. Over the years we sold our designs in the jewelry departments of Bergdorf Goodman, Shreve Crump & Low, Gump's, Barney's New York and Tiny Jewel Box.Many jewelry writers and fashion editors own and wear our jewelry, particularly our Wildflower Engagement rings. We developed each and every piece using the very finest materials. Every gemstone was scrutinized surpassing for beauty and quality. Nothing but the very best made it past Walter. We created our designs from scratch using traditional, labor intensive techniques.We employed and trained incredibly talented, master jewelers.Tim frequently invented entirely new methods for creating his designs. There have been dozens of patents, copyrights and proprietary technologies that are associated with our jewelry.It has been our pleasure to serve you, to do something fun and different each and every day, and to show the world what can spring from independence, a creative commitment and hard work. We know we will see many of you as we begin the next chapters in what must be the most beautiful business on earth. Thank you for everything thus far.Sincerely,
Walter & Tim
Our next chapter …
Five Generations of Fine JewelryBuyers, Sellers & Appraisers
Diamonds, Gemstones & Estate Jewelry
One-of-a-Kind Pieces &
Engagement Rings By Special OrderFather and son, Walter & Wally McTeigue continue the tradition of quality and integrity that has become synonymous with the name McTeigue & Company since 1895.mctandco.com
Tim is now operating his small atelier in Great Barrington. Massachusetts. He welcomes you to a non-commercial, old-school, thoroughly artistic way of looking at jewelry. He enjoys answering all questions about the intricacies of style, quality and value.Visits are by appointment. This is a full-service business which includes commission work, specialty collections, diamond engagement rings, wedding bands and the recycling or immediate purchase of your unwanted gold and jewelry.For a peek at his path and new beginning, please take a look at this short video.
For information about his latest work as well as the Wildflower Engagement and Bridal Collection, he can be reached at twmclelland.com or 413-645-3399.
Our greatest hits...
© McTeigue & McClelland. All rights reserved. Web design by Truax & CompanyNOTICE OF DISSOLUTIONTo all creditors of and claimants against McTeigue & McClelland, Inc. (the “Company”), and all other interested persons:
Please take notice that the Company has, under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 156D, Section 14.03, filed articles of voluntary dissolution in the office of the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with an effective date of December 31, 2022.Each creditor of or claimant against the Company is hereby directed to provide to the Company a statement of any and all claims that such creditor or claimant may have against the Company. Such statement of claim must (a) be in writing, (b) include the (i) claim amount, (ii) details of such claim and (iii) date such claim originated and (c) be mailed to the Company at PO Box 590, Great Barrington, MA 01230.The assets out of which any unknown claim (including an unknown contingent claim) against the Company may be satisfied will be limited as provided in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 156D, Section 14.07(c) unless a statement of the claim is received within three years after the publication of this notice.